5 different types of photos you need to have, to promote your content. Flat Lay Shot, Action Shot, Front Shot, Closeup Shot, Wide Context Shot

5 different types of photos you need to have, to promote your content. Flat Lay Shot, Action Shot, Front Shot, Closeup Shot, Wide Context Shot
Videos are gaining momentum. So why not try some of your own to give you a boost? Here are 5 simple video ideas you can try and some tips to get you started.
Imagine if you could:
•Simplify your graphics game and look professional
•Create killer pins in minutes
•Have amazing confidence in your designs
I strongly believe that with a bit of practice and simple tips, you can achieve this, even if you have ZERO design skills.
Easy DIY tricks to create high-converting Pins that grab your viewer’s attention and stop them mid-scroll.
Have you ever found yourself browsing through your Instagram feeling jealous of other biz owner’s perfectly branded feed? If you’re portraying a brand, whether it’s a personal brand or a business, it’s important to think about the overall look and feel you want to create with your Instagram grid.
5 Tips to Easily Create a Unique Brand Identity A brand lets people know who you are and what you do. Branding isn’t just your logo, colors or website.Your brand is the connection you make with your audience. Online entrepreneurs use social media platforms as their main marketing strategy and funnel to send people …
Want to design better graphics to grow your blog? Here are 5 ways to improve your graphics and keep your brand looking consistent and professional.
Dream Big, Start Small. Here are 5 elements to Easily Create your own Brand Board. The entire world is literally at home browsing the web. It’s the perfect time to showcase your online business and blog with a cohesive and unique visual identity.
Are you ready to attract more clients and become recognizable online? You need to get your looks on the online world, on the right track!